Started career as Project Manager in one of the NGO’s in Hyderabad in the Year 2000 through an International funding from DfID (Department for International Development), UK on PSH project dealing with Health. In a year’s time realized the area of interest to specialize, which is Education sector. Initially worked as Research Associate under the leadership of Professor James Tooley, Prof of Education Policy, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England. The first project was named as PIPE – “Project for the Improvement of Private Education”, funded by CfBT (Centre for British Teachers). As part of the research a pilot programme was introduced in the year 2002 on “Voucher Scheme” for fee defaulters in budget private schools. The programme was very successful and received good response from the stake holders.
One of the core team members in building up CfBT – India, to provide services to improve quality in schools. Worked during the incubation stage and later in the year 2003 joined The Educare Trust, which was formed by Professor James Tooley with an international funding from John Templeton Foundation, US, served the trust as Director for 8 years. Through the research work on “Private Schools for Poor”, Professor James Tooley became very popular and also won the awards;

During the period of service at The Educare Trust, was able to trial programmes on Micro-Finance, Voucher Scheme, and Jolly Phonics, which was planned, developed, implemented and evaluated for the low cost schools. Based on the research finding many international organizations walked forward to find about the market needs and for investments. Such companies are Centre for British Teachers, Gray Ghost Capital, Orient Global (renamed as Richard Chandler Corporation), and Geneva Global. Supported the team and played a key role in the companies in setting up their operations in India. Gray Ghost Capital started its Micro Finance activities through Indian School of Finance Company and Orient Global for Educational services through Rumi Education Private Limited.
As Operation Manager in Rumi Education Private Ltd for 3 years, was able to recruit and train teachers in class room management, personality development and English language programme for pre-primary and primary level with Jolly Phonics and Genki English. Carried out market research and managed cluster schools. Later, focused only on Voucher scheme for school drop outs and this was a great success in the 1st year.
At present, focusing more on Jolly Phonics Training, because believes in the methodology and teaching techniques followed. There were more than 10000 teachers arcross India from different management schools like; IB schools, other Internationals Schools, chain for schools, and low budget private schools and government schools.
Helps individuals to become trainers and teachers in Jolly Phonics in order to spread across India.
Strongly recommends Jolly Phonics because trialed this programme initially in the year 2004 along with the international team from University of Newcastle for ESL children in the old city of Hyderabad and found the programme helped children achieve outstanding results (please find the research result from Dr. Pauline Dixon’s work on “Synthetic phonics in low-income schools in Hyderabad, India”) and then started recommending to schools and parents.
Dedicated to develop the quality of education in low-income areas and vision to empower under privileged children through quality education with a special focus on English language and to provide children access to good quality schools.